Friday, January 30, 2009

Welcome, Kevin.

Good Evening Kevin.  It's so nice of you to join me for our premiere fireside chat.  I'm weeping on the inside with the joy of this, our first installation of "Kevin and Mel chats".  Are you crying as well? 

Readers, this is a momentous occasion, one that has never occurred in the history of the world. Kevin, do you realize this the first time we've ever ventured on a joint blog?  All of our hours of witty phone conversation are now culminating in this beautiful experience.

Which leads me to my first thought.  Who has shittier weather,  Seattle or Minneapolis? Minneapolis has frigid winters, humid summers, and tons of crazy people. Seattle enjoys a much less extreme temperature range but it's so wet!  Thirty-three degrees Farenheit in Seattle is mighty unpleasant.  It's the worst kind of bone cold imaginable.  Brrrrrh!  Plus it's very grey. When the sun comes out I become despondent because I realize what I was missing. Much like a fleeting romance sometimes it's better not to know the sun exists.

What do you think Kevin?  Perhaps I'm biased.....

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